Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Social Media

Personally, social media has had a huge impact on my life, both positively and negatively. I think this is the case for a lot of people. Social media has a lot of benefits such as marketing for company, allows for people to stay in touch, easy start up for people with small companies, fan communities, groups for causes, and much more. Social media can have a lot of negative aspects that come with it as well such as people stealing information, fake social media profiles, online bullying, things along that line.
For me, social media allows me to stay in touch with friends, share pictures, interesting articles, stay in touch with family members, and connect with companies and other things like tv channels I like. However, sometimes I feel like social media can get to a point of competition when it comes to pictures and status updates. I sometimes feel like people are trying to post the best filtered picture in the most interesting places or the smartest sounding articles. Its almost as if some people want to make their social medias lives look more beautiful, intelligent, and glamorous than their real lives.
I also seem to have become addicted to social media. I am constantly checking my twitter, Facebook, Instagram, even my snapchat. I always want to see what people are posting, I guess an inherent desire to know what people are doing and is it better or more interesting than what I am doing?
When you really get to thinking about it though...who cares?

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